Theological College is located at 401 Michigan Ave., NE, Washington, DC, 20017. TC offers comfortable single rooms with bathrooms and showers on each floor, as well as some full suites with privatte bathrooms. All rooms have high-speed internet-access, cable TV, and telephones. Accommodations also include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and parking here at TC throughout your stay. Accommodations are available for resident priest hospitality throughout the year and for individuals and small groups wishing to stay for a weekend or other brief periods during the school year.
From mid-May through the end of July, room and board is available for those enrolled in various summer programs sponsored by The Catholic University of America. These programs may range in duration from a two-week matrimonial preparation workshop to the eight-week program for arch/diocesan candidates studying in The Catholic University of America’s Canon Law program.
For more information, please contact TC’s Facilities Manager, Scott Boyles, at [email protected] or (202) 756-4921.