Seminary formation in these modern times includes an education to the cultures our future priests will encounter in their diverse ministries. Theological College hosts a dynamic student-run Hispanic Affairs Committee whose activities include opportunities to grow in language fluency and awareness of the various Hispanic cultures in America, which include, for example, the widespread tradition of the Dio de los Muertos altar (pictured above). Over one-third of the seminary population is involved in the HAC’s initiatives. Also, TC seminarians and faculty participate in weekly Evening Prayer in Spanish and twice-monthly Spanish Mass. TC offers pastoral ministry and outreach opportunities at Hispanic parishes and charities in the DC metro area.
Seminarians are encouraged to take advantage of spring break and summer immersion experiences. In past years, dozens of seminarians have traveled to Honduras to work for a week with the Missioners of Christ in their evangelization work in Comayagua, while several others have served with Cross Catholic Outreach in Guatemala.
TC also collaborates with CUAbroad in encouraging seminarians to participate with our partners at the Seminario Hispano de Santa Maria de Guadalupe for a summer Spanish immersion program, residing at this seminary in Mexico City, the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world.