January 2025 has been a blustery one – not only weatherwise, but with a flurry of events to kick-start the semester and solidify the fraternal unity of the tight knit Theological College community, beginning with the January 13 Mass and opening dinner. A few days later, on January 16, seminarians and staff alike rallied around Rector Stevens on his birthday with sincere expressions of gratitude for his paternal care.
The following week, in the octave of St. Peter and St. Paul, TC participated in the Prayer for Christian Unity initiative with house guest Fr. Russ McDougall, C.S.C., executive director of the Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs at the USCCB. This year’s theme, “Do You Believe This?” recognizes the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, which gave rise to the Nicene Creed. It was fitting that on January 24th the March for Life followed closely on this meditation of Catholic beliefs. TC welcomed more than 20 seminarians from St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore and St. Paul’s Seminary in Pittsburgh. Their participation included hosting a 3:00 am Holy Hour at the National Shrine, and of course embarking on the March itself along Constitution Avenue to the U.S. Capitol. Read here Bishop Waltersheid’s reflection on this experience of grace and the wisdom it imparted during these days!
During the same busy week, the rector and vice-rector traveled to Baltimore to support the dedication of the new Blessed Father McGivney Propaedeutic House of Formation, which is under Sulpician stewardship. More celebrating was in order on January 27, for Fr. Jaime Robledo’s 35th anniversary of ordination. Over two dozen priests — half of them TC alumni — concelebrated the Mass and joined a convivial house dinner afterwards with staff, friends, and even Fr. Jaime’s sister who flew in from Argentina for the occasion. The final festive event of the month was for the Lunar New Year, which was generously organized by our six Vietnamese seminarians. As always, this event welcomed guests to a Mass and traditional meal, replete with rich decorations and party favors. Watch for the Spring issue of The Crossroads to learn more about TC’s Vietnamese brothers!
Also at the end of the month, Fr. Bud held his first Rector’s Conference, continuing the theme, “The Spirituality of the Diocesan Priest” (see the Fall issue of The Crossroads, p. 19, for an overview of this topic’s introduction last semester). On January 28, the entire seminary community participated in the University Mass on the Patronal Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and one of its greatest theologians and philosophers. A faithful intercessor for our seminarians and faculty, he is the patron saint of universities and scholars, and this Mass recognized the 800th anniversary of his birth. A few days after this, on the Feast of Saint John Bosco, seminarians were guided even further into contemplation of their life of faith and formation for the priesthood by Father Patrick Carrion, of the Diocese of Baltimore, who led a community workshop on obedience.