The task of formation of candidates for the priesthood requires not only a certain special preparation of those to whom this work is entrusted, one that is professional, pedagogical, spiritual, human and theological, but also a spirit of communion and of cooperating together to carry out the program, so that the unity of the pastoral action of the seminary is always maintained under the leadership of the rector. The body of formation personnel should witness to a truly evangelical lifestyle and total dedication to the Lord. It should enjoy a certain stability, and its members as a rule should live in the seminary community.
Pastores Dabo Vobis §66

Rev. Bud Stevens, P.S.S.
M.A., S.T.L., Ph.D.
Rev. Chris Arockiaraj, P.S.S.
M.S., S.T.B., Ph.L., Ph.D., D. Min.
Coordinator of Pastoral Formation
Rev. Robert Cro, P.S.S.
M.A., S.T.B., M.Div, H.E.L.
Dean of Men
Coordinator of Human Formation
Rev. James L. McKearney, P.S.S.
M.S./M.Mus., S.T.L., S.T.D.
Rev. John C. Selner Chair for Sacred Music and Liturgy
Director of Music

Rev. John McNerney
M. Litt., S.T.B., Ph.D.
Director of Basselin Scholars
Rev. Neal Mulyata, P.S.S.
B. Phil., S.T.B.
Formation Faculty
Rev. Jaime E. Robledo, P.S.S.
M. Div., S.T.L., S.T.D.
Coordinator of Spiritual Formation & Liturgy; Coordinator of Intellectual Formation