Preaching Symposium

Preaching Symposium

Theological College and Catholic University have paired up for an annual Preaching Symposium!

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March for Life

March for Life

The Theological College seminarian community braved the storm at the March for Life 2024!

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Dinner with the Bishops

Dinner with the Bishops

For the annual Fall bishops’ convocation, TC co-hosted a convivial dinner for over ten bishops in Baltimore.

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Alumni Day 2023

Alumni Day 2023

Dozens of guests enjoyed Alumni Day 2023, taking the opportunity to congratulate Bishop Olson and to meet our new rector!

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End-of-Year Farewell Banquet

End-of-Year Farewell Banquet

This year’s end-of-spring-semester Mass and banquet saw the blessing of a beautiful new courtyard sculpture and moving recognitions for departing students and faculty.

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Holy Week 2023

Holy Week 2023

Theological College enters into the Holy Week journey toward a joyous Easter Season.

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