Celebrating 2020-2021 Blessings
Theological College concludes the academic and formation year with much to celebrate with gratitude: graduations and upcoming ordinations as well as a year of diligence and fraternal charity that has brought a profound unity to the community.

Triduum 2021
For the first time in almost two decades, Theological College celebrated the Triduum as a community.

Annual Art Exhibit
Seminarians, faculty, and members of other local formation houses contributed to an outstanding exhibit opened at TC on the Solemnity of St. Joseph.

AlmsGiving Tuesday: March 23, 2021
Lent is a privileged and blessed time for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Please consider Theological College’s AlmsGiving Tuesday invitation today!

Institution of Ministries 2021
On February 22nd, 25 of TC’s seminarians were received as lectors and acolytes in the 2021 Institution of Ministries ceremony.

Welcome to Spring Semester
TC’s Spring semester officially began in house on January 18th with a Mass and welcome banquet at the outset of a full week of formation presentations.

Christmas Greetings from Theological College
Read and listen to the Rector’s Christmas message !

Father Thayer’s Advent Meditations
Join the TC community for a daily podcast series by Father David Thayer, PSS, on the readings of Advent!

Sulpician Patronal Feast and End-of-Semester
On November 24, the TC community offered thanksgiving for the productive and healthy semester they shared, while looking with hope to the future, in the company of the Virgin Mary, Mother and role model.

Installation of New Rector: Fr. Dominic Ciriaco
Father Dominic Ciriaco, P.S.S., was installed as TC’s new Rector on October 29th. See a recording of the event and photo gallery here!