The new initial stage of formation, called the Propaedeutic Stage, responds to the growing need for deliberate and intentional focus on human and spiritual formation. It provides men with the necessary groundwork to engage in quality and faithful priestly formation and future ministry in your diocese (PPF, § 119, 130).
The US Sulpician Province has established a house of propaedeutic formation at the site of the first Roman Catholic seminary in the United States, St. Mary’s Seminary on Paca Street in Baltimore. After wide collegial consultation and at the request and encouragement of several bishops, The Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney House opened as part of the implementation of a new model of priestly formation in the United States (cf. PPF 6th Ed.).
The McGivney House is named with the permission of The Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Patrick E. Kelly, and the endorsement of Archbishop William E. Lori of the Archdiocese of Baltimore to honor the 1877 alumnus of St. Mary’s Seminary and the founder of the Knights of Columbus.
In response to the release of the sixth edition of the Program for Priestly Formation, the Sulpicians are excited to offer a home to candidates/discerners for the priesthood on the original site where priestly formation began in America in 1791. Candidates for the priesthood will begin their journey through the four stages here, accompanied by a community of formators. The Propaedeutic Stage will be followed by three more: Discipleship, Configuration, and Vocational Synthesis. Father Daniel F. Moore, PSS, the Provincial, explained that the Blessed McGivney propaedeutic program will serve not only St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore and Theological College in Washington, D.C., but also any arch/diocese in the contiguous Eastern region.
The Propaedeutic Stage is an introduction to a human and spiritual formation program outside the seminary setting. During this time, discerners have an opportunity to gain greater knowledge of the Catholic faith, deepen their prayer life, and continue to build a relationship with Jesus Christ in preparation for entering a formal seminary program.
Click here to read the 2023 article published in the Catholic Review.
For information about enrolling in the program, contact the rector’s office: [email protected].