Diaconate Ordinations 2015
Eight Theological College seminarians who have just completed their third year of theological studies at Catholic University, and one who has just completed his fourth year, were ordained to the transitional diaconate between March and June this year. We prayerfully support them as they move forward on the path to the priesthood!
Theological College Celebrates 2015 Graduations
Family, friends, faculty, and fellow semiarians gathered on campus and at TC in celebration of the much anticipated graduation of Theological College’s Basselin Scholars at The Catholic University of America one week after the conclusion of final exams.
Spring House Party 2015: The Tradition Continues
Seminarians enjoyed an evening of fun and good food at this year’s tropical island themed Spring House Party, which took place on April 10th, coinciding with CUA Founder’s Day. Two pigs were roasted for the occasion, complimented by other festive food offerings. A few seminarians competed for the best grilled steak, and many more competed in the bean-bag-toss tournament. A good time was had by all who took the opportunity to relax at this fraternal gathering before the onset of finals.
Oath of Fidelity Milestone
The Oath of Fidelity was taken on March 18 by third- and fourth-year seminarians who are preparing for ordination to the Order of Deacon later this spring/summer.
Iron Seminarian 2015
For the past 10 years, Theological College has welcomed back its seminarians from Christmas break by inviting them to participate in the Iron Seminarian tournament. The tournament runs from mid-January through mid-February and serves as a way to bring the TC house together in the winter months.
TC Welcomes 27 New Acolytes and Readers
On February 9, 2015, Theological College welcomed 13 Acolytes and 14 Lectors (Readers) in a Mass of commitment during which the candidates submitted their petitions for these ministries, which were accepted by Bishop Loverde of Arlington, Va.
“Building a Civilization of Love”
For over 40 years, the March for Life has rallied against one of the greatest human rights violations of our time — abortion. The seminarians and faculty of Theological College have been active protagonists in this national effort to raise awareness, protest injustice, and pray for all those affected.
End-of-Semester Holiday Party
Theological College’s seminary community hosted 25 guests — staff and their families and friends — for a beautiful and lively evening that began with Mass accompanied by traditional Advent music from TC’s Schola choir, followed by a sumptuous reception and celebratory feast. After dinner, all were welcomed to the annual “Christmas show” in Vieban Hall, during which seminarians fraternally roasted their brothers and the faculty, bringing the evening to a close with much creative good cheer.
Sulpician Patronal Feast Day
The founder of the Sulpicians, Jean-Jacques Olier (1607-1658), like many members of the French School of Spirituality, had a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In November, the Feast of the Presentation is celebrated by Sulpicians around the globe as the patronal feast day of the order. Informally known as the “Sulpician Christmas,” Theological College faculty invite seminarians to share their joy and devotion to Mary on this special day.
TC Seminarians Attend Annual USCCB-Sponsored Border Mass
Two Theological College seminarians, Erick Viloria-Romero (left) and Daniel Zinger travelled to El Paso to attend the 16th annual Border Mass, offered for the commemoration of all souls who have perished crossing over the border seeking a better life on United States soil, and to pray for effective, just, and swift comprehensive immigration reform in the United States.